We are all vulnerable to mental and emotional distress. At least 1 in 4 adults from all walks of life will experience mental health difficulties at any one time. The more we learn about good health the more we understand that health is about preventative strategies as much as a cure, in order to protect mental health and wellbeing.
The World Health Organisation defines health promotion as ‘the process of enabling individuals to increase control over and to improve their health’.
There are lots of things that you can do to look after your mental health. Studies show that a positive outlook on life, a balanced diet, and exercise all help to improve mood, mental health and wellbeing.
African and Caribbean Mental Health Services (ACMHS) endeavors to inform and empower individuals to identify their own health needs and the resources to deal with them in order to be more resilient to stress and illness.
African and Caribbean Mental Health Services (ACMHS) was established in October 1989 as a direct result of concerns expressed in the community about the frequency with which second generation African and African Caribbean youths were admitted to psychiatric hospitals and the regional forensic unit. Concerns focused on the way such admissions took place, what happened when people were admitted (in terms of diagnosis and treatment) and what happened when they left ie: aftercare and housing.
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